July 24, 2024
On Wanting Solutions
I don’t want to solve your problems. Shocking admission for a coach, perhaps, but it’s true. I want to help you outgrow them. That’s why I’m not here to sell you solutions. Outgrowing our problems requires a different approach, which I describe below in terms of identifying, exploring, and venturing beyond our edge.

On Curiosity (Part 2)
On the face of it, coachability is nothing more than receptivity to the feedback we need for growth. So simple, yet evidently difficult enough in practice to be an uncommon quality. So, how does one become more coachable? I’ve written an answer below in the form of three provocations for greater coachability. Curiosity is key because these ideas...
On Becoming
Here’s a new podcast episode I recorded recently with Thomas Igeme for Venture Visionaries. For someone who’s always felt inept at talking about myself, being interviewed by Thomas has been a gift beyond measure. Thanks to his curiosity and thoughtfulness, I’ve been able to share more deeply than I thought possible about where I’ve come from...
For as long as space remains, for as long as sentient beings remain, so too may I remain to dispel the miseries of the world.